People have decided that you have to keep the Senate. Naturally , I am personally disappointed but fully respect and accept the result

The first part of the argument had the support of the entire political spectrum , from parties who advocated suppression (Fine Gael , Labour, Sinn Féin ) who asked maintenance to reform it and give it the legitimacy that is lacking as the powers that now does not have to act as a counterweight to the lower house, controlled by the government. That was the position of the once great dominant party in Ireland , Fianna Fáil , but also of the Greens and platforms like Democracy Matters , Democracy Matters , created to defend the maintenance and Senate reform .
Now , with the proposed abolition defeated and having submitted to the Senate as an institutio
n outdated and illegitimate , Kenny can hardly maintain the status quo and is going to be doomed to propose a reform that had hitherto renegade.
It's not his only problem : the second part of the argument , the cost has caused a lot of controversy and accusations of demagoguery against the prime minister . Officially , the Senate does each year about 20 million euros. But even that assessment institution did know how much of that amount would save the state with its suppression . What is known is that the initiative for a referendum Kenny has cost EUR 20 million : 14 million for the campaign, four for the Constitutional Convention and two for legal advice. " The Taoiseach has spent 20 million on a journey to his ego " , reported yesterday Senator Sean Barrett, of Trinity College, to demand the resignation of Enda Kenny .
The prime minister will not resign and the stability of the coalition that governs the country is not at risk , but the result questions his authority just when you are about to start a difficult budget negotiations .
It also involves a serious wake-up call for a politician who has based much of his success in his personal charisma and highlights the party voters hardest hit by the crisis do not distinguish between those who caused the economic disaster and those attempting to alleviate it massive doses base budget adjustment and loss of purchasing power. In the Irish case the paradox that is the first country to be operated out of the aid program . An output that must be celebrated in Dublin discretion.

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